Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 300 Kata

Nama : Daud Dinsyafri Sulistianto
NPM : 11115602
Kelas: 4KA11

1.     The goals to be achieved in the next 10 years.

The goal i want to achieve in the next 10 years is to be a successful person, having a child from my wife. Then i want to make my parents happy and make my parents doesnt felt abandoned by their children. Such things seem to be what i have to achieve in 10 years to come, because success in a career alone is not enough. And also i will educate my wife and children if i already have children in the next 10 years.

2.      Things that must be done to achieve that goals.

Maybe achieving that goal is difficult, but nothing is impossible when we focus on achieving that goal. Of course i will work hard and train myself against the fear that i have to achieve everything. After i achieve success in my career, i will look for a woman who will become my wife and also realize it by finding a woman who is ready for me even though i’am on my hardest time.

3.     Why I deserve to get an A in this course

Because English is one of the interests that I like. Every day I listen to English, in films, in social media, on TV. Maybe I am not too fluent to speak English, but I will continue to learn to succeed in doing that. And also I do assignments in this course. When I work on a task that has been given by a lecturer, I do it seriously and always be careful in doing it. I also never missed this course, because I could not miss one of my hobbies, if I missed one of these courses then I would feel sad because I missed one of my hobbies. So that's why I deserve an A in this course
